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:: Living happily with disability ::


A free eBook

Living happily with disability


Overcoming unhappiness in disability is the subject of a free e-book which has been launched by its author Stuart Rose, who has lived with multiple sclerosis (MS) for more than 30 years.

"I am a happy person and, in the book, I wanted to explain how and why I am happy even though I am classed as being severely disabled with multiple sclerosis," says Stuart.


7,000 people and families live with MS across Ireland. Although MS is a progressive neurological condition that can affect a person's health, lifestyle and relationships many people with the disease find ways to manage and cope with many of the affects and difficulties.

Stuart explains that he was first diagnosed with MS in 1978 and for the first 15 years his disease was relapsing and remitting, which allowed him to carry on with his life without major change.

"After that, slowly and relatively evenly, MS progressed without remission until, among other things, I couldn't walk, had difficulties with my bladder and use of my arms and hands weakened."

Stuart insists that while his disease continues to get progressively worse, his happiness is unchanged.

"The idea for writing [my book] ‘Happily Disabled' had been simmering in my mind for some time, but the ‘last straw' occurred when, yet again, because I am disabled in a wheelchair, people kept assuming that I was unhappy and unable to mentally fend for myself. This is not how I feel, nor how I am, and this understanding needed to be corrected not only for myself but for all disabled people experiencing similar discrimination," Stuart remarks.

‘Happily Disabled' has 21 chapters portraying: caring, peeing and catheters, cooking and eating, walking to wheelchairs, normality, transport, sex, falling, anxiety and stress, memory and forgetfulness, invisibility and freedom, anger, pain, relationships and families, weakness and fatigue, depression, happiness and sadness.

"Happily Disabled was written as a free e-book to show that in reality there is no difference between an able person and a disabled one. Okay, I can't physically do some things but this does not make me any less of a person. I am a happy person and, in the book, I wanted to explain how and why I am happy even though I am classed as being severely disabled with multiple sclerosis."

" I like my life as a disabled person," he adds. "This life is not a matter of choice, it's a matter of how it is. Yes, I would like to trundle through woods or along the seashore or do all sorts of things I now cannot do but I have to accept what is possible and what is not, just the same as everybody has to do in their lives. If I evaluate either the good or the bad then I create trouble and disturbance for myself, which isn't happy.

Using the analogy of the sun, Stuart says that happiness to him is like sunshine: "The sun is always shining somewhere, 24-hours a day; it is only clouds which temporarily appear to block out its existence.

"So, when life creates clouds, which it always does, they can be transcended through the mind to the sunshine and happiness is regained because it's known for certain that, like the sun, happiness can never completely disappear. This is the principle message of 'Happily Disabled'."

Source & download: http://www.irishhealth.com/article.html?id=20324


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:: NHRC in India releases book on rights of persons with disabilities ::
 A book on the rights of persons with disabilities.

NEW DELHI, India, September 03: National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) chairman, Justice K.G. Balakrishnan, on Sept. 3, released a book that focuses on the rights of persons with disabilities.

The book titled "Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities - A guide by Commonwealth Secretariat" was released in the presence of a host of luminaries and key members of the NHRC.

An NHRC release said that it has been deeply concerned about the protection and promotion of rights of persons with disabilities. The Commission is of the view that the persons with disabilities should enjoy all human rights on an equal basis with others. Towards this end, the Commission has adopted a multi-pronged approach which includes redressal of individual complaints, legislative and policy reform, spreading of awareness etc.

The Commission has been involved since the formative stages of the UN Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). The Commission advocated the ratification of the UN convention and finally the Government of India ratified the Convention on 1st October 2007.

As a follow up action, the Commission appointed a Special Rapporteur on Disability related issues and constituted a Core Advisory Group on Disability to advise the Commission on matters connected with and incidental to the promotion, protection and monitoring of the human rights for persons with disabilities.

With a view to assess whether existing Programmes and Policies for persons with disabilities are having the desired impact and to identify gaps in implementation, if any, and to suggest appropriate strategies to deal with them, the Commission organized five Regional review meetings on Disability during 2008-09 in various parts of the country.

The Commission has advocated to the Government of India for the ratification of Optional Protocol to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The Commission is of the view that the Optional Protocol will strengthen the accountability mechanism and serve as an additional tool for the promotion of the rights of persons with disabilities.

The Commission reviewed The Copy Right (Amendment) Bill, 2010 from Human Rights perspective and noted that it does not meet the demand of print disabled person. With a view to protect the rights of the print disabled people, the Commission made recommendations for amendments in The Copy Right (Amendment) Bill, 2010 which is being examined by the Parliamentary Standing Committee.

With a view to monitor the implementation of various laws, policies, concerning the rights of the persons with disabilities, Special Rapporteurs, NHRC have been visiting various states. The Commission has also asked all the State Governments to give wide publicity to UNPRCD to create awareness regarding the rights of persons with disabilities.

The book enumerates various provisions of the Convention in a very simple and informative manner. It not only clarifies that States should not discriminate against persons with disabilities, but also sets out the many steps that States must take to create an enabling environment so that persons with disabilities can enjoy real equality in society.

urther, this book is also accessible to the persons with visual impairments. This publication has been released simultaneously at the four centers around the world by the Commonwealth Secretariat. In recognition of the work done by NHRC in the field of protecting and promoting Human Rights of persons with disabilities, NHRC is selected as one of the four institutions for releasing this book.

Source: http://news.oneindia.in

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