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:: Paralympic Sport Programme Launched in Australia ::

Paralympic Sport Programme Launched in Australia

14 May 2010

Vice President of the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) and President of the Australian Paralympic Committee (APC) Greg Hartung recently launched a new Paralympic Sport Programme at a ceremony in Canberra, Australia.

Together with Chief of the Defense Force Air Chief Marshall Angus Houston, Mr. Hartung announced that the Australian Defense Force (ADF) Paralympic Sports Programme will deliver a wealth of benefits to members of the military with an acquired disability through access to the APC’s Paralympic Sport Programmes. The programme will aim to direct ADF members who acquire a disability through their employment.

The IPC Vice President said that the partnership with the ADF is an important step in growing the Australian Paralympic Movement by providing opportunities for wounded and injured Australian Defence Force members not previously available.

“Signing the Memorandum of Understanding between the Defense’s Joint Health Command and the Australian Paralympic Committee is a significant step for Paralympic Sport in this country,” Mr Hartung said. “It opens up a wealth of possibilities for those ADF members who have acquired a disability to gain access to APC’s world class Sports Science, Sports Medicine and High Performance Coaching Programmes.”

Mr. Hartung continued, saying that both Australian Paralympians and members of the Australian Defense Force strive to do the best job possible and be the best they can be under the Australian flag.

"In this way, there is a natural connection between the APC and the ADF and we hope that through the extensive knowledge of our APC staff, this partnership is able to produce some world class athletes, as well as help ADF members who have acquired a disability to rehabilitate and move on with their lives," he said.
Through the partnership, the APC will work with the ADF to provide programme participants with advice on specialized physical fitness training and rehabilitation, effectively beginning the journey towards representing Australia at the Paralympic Games.

The ceremony also saw Paralympic gold medallist and world record holder Heath Francis, who spoke of the benefits Paralympic Sport has to offer after sustaining a serious injury.

“As an Australian Paralympic athlete, there is no greater thrill then competing at the Paralympic Games, and achieving success,” Francis said.

For more information about the Australian Paralympic Committee, please visit www.paralympic.org.au.

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